Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lost and Found

Lately I have been reading a lot out of the New Testament. I love the teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ! In Matthew 10:39, Christ says that, "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." This one single statement hit me pretty hard. Being a missionary, we have to forget about ourselves and, in essence, lose ourselves in the work. As we make Christ and His gospel the center of our lives, we will inevitably lose our worldly cares.
It made me think of the General Authorities, or leaders, of our Church. Many of the Apostles we have today had, at one point in time, a profound role in society. Most were highly respected and sought after in their individual fields! But when the call came to be a Disciple of the Savior, they didn't hesitate to throw it away for their new calling. That is love and dedication, my friends. Just as the Apostles Christ called during His ministry, they didn't think twice about what they were leaving behind.
It is amazing to me to see when we center our lives around Christ, everything else will either fall in to place or fall out of our lives. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to be a full-time servant and representative of Jesus Christ! It's the best! Lose your life for His sake. And you will find it!

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