Those of you who know a little about me, know that I can quote movies like it's nobody's business. Well believe it or not, I have learned a lot from a quote found in one of my favorite movies. It goes, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it." We find similar advice in this phrase: "Be still, and know that I am God." The first came from Ferris Buehler, and the second, from a psalmist in the word of God.
In this life, it can at times feel like a race. As we are hurrying so quickly to get to the next checkpoint, we miss the beauty and the grandeur of the path by which we are moving so rapidly down. Growing up, I knew all about this race. My sister and I kept our parents constantly engaged in our various activities, but I will never forget those moments where we were still. Pausing, if you will. Now, I'm not referring to the "pause" that the hare took in his race against the tortouise. We do not want to drop out of this race, for, His presence is what we seek at the end of it. We can't make it there if we stop moving.
Parents who pause to spend time with their children, may never fully realize what they are doing. It is in that pause that we can know that He is God, our Father, and that it is the Gospel of His Son that brings us eternal joy. I will never forget the times spent with my mom talking about whatever is on my mind. Even she at times would need to talk to me. There never seemed to be a time restraint on these moments.
Pausing allows revelation to flow, because it gives the Spirit an oppurtunity to press upon us truth. The Spirit "...speaks of things as they really are, and... as they really will be." Test this verity, and you will be amazed.
This race, is a race worth running. But it is not required "that a man should run faster than he has strength." My friends, make time to be still. Doing so will help you know God. Of this I promise. Have a great day and stay classy.
Elder Hill
In this life, it can at times feel like a race. As we are hurrying so quickly to get to the next checkpoint, we miss the beauty and the grandeur of the path by which we are moving so rapidly down. Growing up, I knew all about this race. My sister and I kept our parents constantly engaged in our various activities, but I will never forget those moments where we were still. Pausing, if you will. Now, I'm not referring to the "pause" that the hare took in his race against the tortouise. We do not want to drop out of this race, for, His presence is what we seek at the end of it. We can't make it there if we stop moving.
Parents who pause to spend time with their children, may never fully realize what they are doing. It is in that pause that we can know that He is God, our Father, and that it is the Gospel of His Son that brings us eternal joy. I will never forget the times spent with my mom talking about whatever is on my mind. Even she at times would need to talk to me. There never seemed to be a time restraint on these moments.
Pausing allows revelation to flow, because it gives the Spirit an oppurtunity to press upon us truth. The Spirit "...speaks of things as they really are, and... as they really will be." Test this verity, and you will be amazed.
This race, is a race worth running. But it is not required "that a man should run faster than he has strength." My friends, make time to be still. Doing so will help you know God. Of this I promise. Have a great day and stay classy.
Elder Hill