Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Heeding a prophet's counsel

Now, I don't know a lot about a lot. I'm just a young buck, but I am learning things as I go. One lesson that I am still trying to learn, is receiving counsel from someone else. At times, it is easy to graciously accept it! When it calls for me to change my course to one I never considered, it gets a bit harder. Especially if that call, is the call to repent. We as human beings, don't typically like being told what we're doing is wrong. Fair enough?
God has a will, purpose, and plan, for each of us. A lot of the time, it differs from our will or plan. Like Isaiah says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." (see Isaiah 55:8) It is so important for us to remember that, and say as did the Savior, "nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." (see Luke 22:42) My question for you is this: how can we do the Father's will, if we don't know what it is? That my friends, is where prophets and the Spirit of God come in. We hear their counsel, take it to God in prayer, and by the Spirit we are taught, that that is what we must do to receive the blessings God has for us, and the path He wants us to travel. That is how we know His will, for us.
Next month, we will hear a prophet's counsel. We will hear God's will concerning us. It is our duty to take that counsel to the Father, and, surrendering our will to Him, follow that counsel. I promise you if we will, we will be so blessed for it. Have a great day, and stay classy!
Elder Hill

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