Thursday, March 15, 2012

Teachers Without a Desk

I really didn't know what to write about today. So as I was sitting here, I couldn't help but overhear an employee here at the library instruct a few people from the community how to use a computer. These select few, it is safe to say, are computer illiterate. But here they are! Resolving to learn how to use these marvelous devices. To many, this would appear to be a bit foolish with their vast comprehension of how to use these contraptions. But there are still scores of people who don't know how to use them. Such it is in the Kingdom of God.
With the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there are many things that are easy to comprehend or come naturally for most folks. The principles of the Gospel are to some, as easy as booting up a computer and logging on to Facebook. While on the other side, there are those who still don't know where the power button is located.
That is the genius of this life. All around us are teachers, men and women of God, who teach others whether by their actions or by their words. Instructors, if you will. Which is wonderful! For we are all students in this school called life.
It is up to us, to teach and assist others along this journey. Especially the children of today's generation. Many obstacles lay in store for them. They need to be taught the principles of the Gospel, high morals, standards, and a whole lot more! If you think about it, isn't that why God placed His spirit children in the hands of His spirit children? Someone who is a little seasoned in the ways of mortality? It is all a part of the divine program.
I realize that I am not yet a father, a husband, or the head of any family. But I do know the magnitude of the things my own parents have taught me. It doesn't stop there, either. I have had so many leaders in the Church who I have learned so much from. They have helped get me to where I am today. People who are not of my faith have left their mark on my life, as well. I will be forever grateful for all of them.
My friends, I hope you see the impact you will have on others. Each day thousands of teaching oppurtunities will arise. What are you going to do with them? We know what the Savior would do. I love you all! Have a great day, and look for oppurtunities to teach others around you! Stay classy.
Elder Hill 

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