Saturday, August 25, 2012

Being Men is more important than being Manly

A great friend of mine once said, "Often times we are more worried about being manly than being men." The man who said this, is 70 years old. Although you wouldn't know that by talking with him, or by knowing a little bit about what he does. Regardless of how manly he may be with his impressive military career, he is a man. A man of God.
Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, counselled his two oldest sons to, "Arise from the dust, my sons, and be men." (see 2 Nephi 1:21) My father fits what Lehi desired his sons so desperately to be. He knows his duty in the home, and he silently and most often without recognition, does it. I love him for that.
"Most importantly," declared D. Todd Christofferson, "when we consider the admonition to be men, we must think of Jesus Christ. When Pilate brought Jesus forth wearing a crown of thorns, he declared, “Behold the man!” (see John 19:4–5). Pilate may not have fully understood the significance of his own words, but the Lord indeed stood before the people then as He stands today—the highest ideal of manhood. Behold the man!""
Let us follow the admonition He gave in the New World, and be men. Even as He is. (see 3 Nephi 27:27) Stay classy.
Elder Hill

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