Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Don't let the opponent psyche you out!

I love sports, and I can at times be pretty competitive. But that is neither here nor there. In any athletic contest that arouses a high sense of competition, a successful tactic that has been used throughout the ages is called "pshyching them out." What this is, in essence, is engaging in some sort of conduct that distracts the opponent from their goal, their purpose, and their strengths. It is a scare tactic, if you will. If used successfully, even the greatest teams can be psyched into believing they are weak.
Our greatest opponent, the adversary of us all, is doing his very best to psyche us out. He is trying to convince us that we are not strong enough, or capable of accomplishing the things our Father in Heaven wants us to do. At times, we find ourselves allowing him to convince us of this. But we cannot let that happen. He will try to tell us that we are not of any worth, but our Heavenly Father is telling us otherwise; He is telling us the truth.
Prophets, who speak God's words, are telling us that we can in fact do this. We can be victorious, and we are of divine heritage. We are not ugly ducklings, but in fact majestic swans. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in this video entitled, "Our True Identity," continues on this same topic. Click on the following link, and enjoy! (Video)
I know that we are greater than we suppose. We are on the winning team, so don't let the opponent psyche you out and keep you from performing at your very best. Stay classy.
Elder Hill

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